Expressed the brand's competitive advantages and friendly character.
Keler is one of the most important suppliers of raw materials in the pet food industry in China and has a strong influence on the industry. The redesign of Keler's brand image required a design that expressed the brand's competitive advantages and friendly character.
科乐是中国宠物食品行业重要的上游供应商之一,从事冻干宠物食品的研发、生产和代工业务,具备强大的行业影响力。科乐品牌形象的重构,需要通过设计表达其品牌极具竞争力的优势与亲切感。RDA Team为科乐品牌形象的重构制定了「技术性与活泼感并行」的策略。我们创造了定格宠物生活中最可爱的「歪头杀」瞬间,首字母K的年轻化变形呈现,并赋予其象征食品行业的鲜明配色;全新形象的延伸图形设计中,我们从醒目清晰的视角出发,将科乐的产品形态绘制成为立体图形,并配以多彩呈现,中和了品牌技术性的隔阂感,并强调着科乐的年轻化进程。
- Brand Identity
- Space Design
- Communication Design

Keler is one of the most important suppliers of raw materials in the pet food industry in China and has a strong influence on the industry.

The redesign of Keler's brand image required a design that expressed the brand's competitive advantages and friendly character.

Keler is one of the most important suppliers of raw materials in the pet food industry in China and has a strong influence on the industry.
The redesign of Keler's brand image required a design that expressed the brand's competitive advantages and friendly character.