A vibrant, contemporary and reimagined visual identity for Hicyan Ceramics.
In 1919, as the first generation of porcelain makers, the founder of the Hicyan brand, Huang Qinghe, opened a handmade porcelain workshop, which became famous for its excellent quality. Due to war and the change of times, the family workshop stopped production, but the family always stayed in business. A century has passed and the fourth generation has reinvented the Hicyan brand and led the company to a higher standard of quality, art and craftsmanship. We created a minimal and extreme brand design style for Hicyan brand, which is highly consistent with the product design language and reinforces this brand quality through the application design, with a unique cyan color throughout that is unforgettable.
1919年,咸丰年间出生的黄庆和作为黄氏家族第一代制瓷人,开办手工瓷(陶)器作坊,以其卓越品质而闻名,由于历史的战乱与时代的更迭,家族作坊停止生产,但极富创造力的工艺及和完美的鉴赏力得以一代代传承与保留,黄氏家族制瓷人始终坚守。一个世纪过去了,第四代传承人黄兴远重新点燃了家族制瓷的历史, 创立汉青陶瓷,并以远见的卓识带领汉青在质量、艺术及工艺上达到了更高的标准,百年渊源,匠心传承,第五代传承人黄少晨也加入家族的制瓷行业中,传承经典的同时赋予了汉青新的素材和气息。我们为汉青打造了极简而极致的品牌设计风格,与产品设计语言高度一致,并通过终端设计强化了这一品牌质感,独特的青色贯穿始终,令人过目不忘。
- Brand Identity
- Space Design
- Communication Design
In 1919, as the first generation of porcelain makers, the founder of the Hicyan brand, Huang Qinghe, opened a handmade porcelain workshop, which became famous for its excellent quality.
Due to war and the change of times, the family workshop stopped production, but the family always stayed in business.
![日用陶瓷 品牌设计](35.jpg)
![日用陶瓷 brand identity](32.jpg)
We created a minimal and extreme brand design style for Hicyan brand, which is highly consistent with the product design language and reinforces.
The new brand quality through the application design, with a unique cyan color throughout that is unforgettable.
![日用陶瓷 logo design](04.jpg)