New concept western restaurant designed in a natural style.
We created this new concept western restaurant in a natural style that promotes a purely natural healthy eating lifestyle. We had many discussions with the brand's young and charismatic founder and decided to use her fresh and natural healthy eating philosophy as a creative force in developing the brand's vision.Space design is one of the biggest aspect of Meadow, with the colour of white and gray as a feature, fashion sense of be vividly portrayed.
MEADOW迷岛拾味倡导纯粹天然的健康饮食生活。我们与品牌年轻而富有魅力的创始人多次商讨,决定将她清新自然的健康饮食理念,做为演进品牌视觉的创意力量。我们将迷岛的概念融入视觉形象的设计中去,创造了棋盘式的品牌形象识别,棋盘就像是人们的都市生活,棋盘中散落的字母犹如棋子一般,多变而灵活,无论棋子如何排布,它们始终都在寻找着自我最为舒适的状态。在打造迷岛拾味的空间设计时,我们在精致的北欧风格与工业风之中,找到了一种全新而舒适的平衡。水泥灰色的墙、地砖,金属网若隐若现,搭配大理石白餐桌与自然原木色的餐椅;绿植贯穿其中,点缀了氛围的活泼,使整个空间具有灵动的呼吸感。这一种贴近自然的设计风格,被我们巧妙地融合进侘寂之美,呼应了我们最为向往的清俊自然。棋盘的灵感被我们带入进整个空间设计的方案中。 一面中空的形象墙被木栅隔开,「MEADOW」字母被做成灯带,打散顺序嵌入隔栅之中。入夜时分,灯带发出温柔的光亮,潜移默化地强调着品牌调性。
- Brand Identity
- Space Design
- Communication Design
We created this new concept western restaurant in a natural style that promotes a purely natural healthy eating lifestyle.
We had many discussions with the brand's young and charismatic founder and decided to use her fresh and natural healthy eating philosophy as a creative force in developing the brand's vision.
![餐厅 品牌设计](12.jpg)
![餐厅 brand identity](04.jpg)
Space design is one of the biggest aspect of Meadow, with the colour of white and gray as a feature, fashion sense of be vividly portrayed.
In the highly competitive era, visual atmosphere and feel of high quality food products, is to increase the competitiveness of the important aspects and means.
![餐厅 logo design](16.jpg)