Identity and space design for a fresh new baby retail brand.
Heyyaya is a professional baby retail chain focused on users aged 0-3 years old, providing high quality products and services. RDA Team provided a full range of design services to create this new brand.Heyyaya's brand upgrade is not only a visual refresh, but also an innovation of the brand experience. We started with the logo, went through a brand visual update, created a cartoon identity system, and incorporated futuristic elements into the design of the new store space.
伢伢&未来是一家专注0-3岁的用户,提供中高端产品和服务的专业孕婴童连锁零售企业。品牌目前主营童装、内衣、床品、棉品小件、孕装、奶粉、营养品、辅食、零食饮料、婴儿用品、玩具等产品类别,与众多国际知名婴童品牌合作获得销售授权,且不断整合海内外供应链资源,通过线上和线下平台为消费者提供更加便捷和贴心的母婴产品与服务。RDA Team为创建这一全新的品牌提供了全方位的设计服务。此次伢伢&未来的升级,不仅是视觉上的耳目一新,更是品牌感染力营造,产品线重构,与商业空间建设的必要前提。我们从商标命名出发,经过品牌视觉的更新,创建原创卡通IP识别体系,将颇具未来感的元素融入全新旗舰店的空间设计中。
- Brand Identity
- Space Design
- Online Promotion Design

Heyyaya is a professional baby retail chain focused on users aged 0-3 years old, providing high quality products and services.

RDA Team provided a full range of design services to create this new brand.Heyyaya's brand upgrade is not only a visual refresh, but also an innovation of the brand experience.

We started with the logo, went through a brand visual update, created a cartoon identity system, and incorporated futuristic elements into the design of the new store space.