With a concept of shining and lighting to convey a clear brand personality.
RDA has developed the branding for the UK-based eyelash brand, Eastern Beauty Lashes, including packages for the product and the ideas behind it, and visual identity and website. The brand identity is built around the concept of ‘shining and lighting’ to convey a much clear brand personality in the lashes market.
来自英国London的Eastern Beauty Lashes品牌自创立以来,经过短短几年的发展,已经初步获得了竞争激烈的英国市场的认可,为增强消费者对品牌的信任和依赖,客户委托辉盛对品牌进行全面升级,设计团队运用国际化的品牌解题思路,重新梳理品牌视觉风格,建立独特而细腻的品牌视觉风格,以耀眼光彩的图形作为识别延展设计,从而引领产品开发和市场营销工作。
- Brand Identity
- Space Design
- Website Design
RDA has developed the branding for the UK-based eyelash brand, Eastern Beauty Lashes, including packages for the product and the ideas behind it
RDA has developed the branding for the UK-based eyelash brand, Eastern Beauty Lashes, including packages for the product and the ideas behind it
The brand identity is built around the concept of ‘shining and lighting’ to convey a much clear brand personality in the lashes market.
The brand identity is built around the concept of ‘shining and lighting’ to convey a much clear brand personality in the lashes market.