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Uran Wang 王鹏

辉盛设计(Rise Design Association)的设计总监/创始人王鹏先生是业内颇具实力的设计师,凭借他卓越的品牌设计作品享誉行业,于2006年创立辉盛设计公司,期间屡获多项国内及国际殊荣,包括国际标志设计趋势奖(Logolounge)、American Design Awards美国设计奖,并荣登平面设计杂志《包装与设计》、《NewWebPick》等,作品多次入选Behance与Logopond精选,并在2011年加入纽约平面设计协会Art Directors Club (ADC),成为国际艺术指导协会的专业成员。多年来,他的足迹遍布全世界,与许多世界知名设计机构/设计师保持合作与沟通,所服务客户不乏世界五百强企业,同时,也为众多地区领先品牌提供专业顾问与咨询。

Uran Wang founded Rise Design Team in 2006. He won numerous international awards during the past decade, including the LOGOLOUNGE, the American Design Awards, published his design on popular magazine "Packaging and Design", "NewWebPick", etc., his design work has been selected and featured by Behance and Logopond, and he joined the Art Directors Club (ADC) in 2011. For many years, his footprints have spread all over the world, and he has cooperated with many world-renowned design agencies/designers. He has served clients include world's top 500 companies and many leading regional brands.
Art Directors Club 国际艺术指导协会会员
国际标志设计趋势奖 (Logolounge)
美国设计奖 American Design Award
《Logo Design Master》标志设计大师系列 (美国)
标志设计《LogoLounge》系列丛书 (美国)
数码艺术杂志 《NewWebPick》专访 (第32期)
设计杂志 《包装与设计》专访 (第155期)